Lend-A-Bin Program
Let Keep Oklahoma Beautiful help you recycle! We have recycling bins available for public use to collect plastic bottles and aluminum cans, free of charge. Offices, schools, neighborhood cleanups, business meetings, conferences, festivals, and concerts are just a few ideas of where these bins could be used! Please help us spread the word that recycling is important across Oklahoma.
Keep in mind that KOB's office is based in Oklahoma City and bins must be picked up by appointment. We are unable to ship the recycle bins at this time. However, we will work with you to get the bins. If you are located in the Tulsa area, we can help you coordinate with the M.e.t. in Tulsa to borrow some of their recycling bins.
Click here for more information about where to take your recycling!
Contact KOB to get your Lend-A-Bin today:
(405) 286-9141