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Litter Education Frequently Asked Questions



I have multiple groups wanting to participate, do I have to register them all individually?

Yes. You must complete the registration form for each group you would like to submit projects for. If you have more submissions than registrations, they will be accepted in the order they are received. You will be sent an automated email that is your registration receipt each time you complete the registration form. After you believe you have registered all your groups, you may email KOB to confirm the number of registrations received. Please send these emails to

What is the maximum number of students permitted to work on one UnCapped or UpCycled project?

To ensure each student is getting the most out of this educational and artistic opportunity, we ask that no more than 30 students work on one project. If you have more than 30 students, we encourage your class to split into 2 or more groups to work on separate projects. Reasonable accommodations can be made for special circumstances but must be approved by KOB staff. Please email to submit a request. 

What is the maximum number of students permitted to work on one End Litter video?

There is a limit of six (6) students that can work on one video entry. However, the prize money will be divided equally among the participants. If a student enters individually, they will be in the running for the full $1,200 prize. If six students create the winning video, the prize money would be split to give each student $200. 

I have submitted entries in the past, can I register again this year?

Yes! We encourage you to continue submitting entries each year that you are an eligible student! However, students must create a new project or video and may not “re-submit” a previous entry. 


Project Creation

Are there any size requirements or limitations for UnCapped or UpCycled?

No, there are no size requirements or limitations.

Are there any video length requirements or limitations for End Litter?

Yes. Videos should be a minimum of 30 seconds long and no more than 45 seconds in length.

Can students use any type of plastic cap on their UnCapped project?

Yes! Any type of plastic cap or lid is permitted.

Can students use metal bottle caps on their UnCapped project?

No. To protect from accidental cuts, we ask that students avoid using metal caps.

Can students use other materials to create their UnCapped project?

The project is to be made out of plastic caps, but you may decorate the piece by painting caps and can provide the piece with structural support if needed. If you have a specific question regarding what can be used on your project, please email

Can students use other materials to create their UpCycled invention?

UpCycled inventions are to be made out of reused or “UpCycled” items! We ask that you do not buy things specifically for the project, rather we encourage students to be creative with how they can reuse everyday items in different ways! If you have a specific question regarding what can be used on your project, please email

Can UnCapped or UpCycled entries have multiple parts?

We know that some kids dream BIG and we love that! Students may create multiple pieces as part of their project, but it will be judged as one item. Be sure to submit one photo with all the pieces in it for evaluation!

Can caps be cut or painted for UnCapped projects?

Yes, caps may be cut or painted to fit the students' design.

Are students allowed to depict their school logo or mascot?

We ask that students do not recreate logos that they do not have the legal rights to. If your school or institution approves the use of their logo or mascot, then that is fine. 

Does each student complete their own essay?

Students are to work together to write one collaborative essay that they discuss and write together. For younger students (Pre-K2nd Grade), teachers or parents may gather the thoughts of their students by leading a discussion and writing the essay for them but all content of these essays should come directly from the students. 



Can a student submit multiple projects or videos?

Unfortunately, no. We ask that students funnel all of their ideas into one project or video. In short, no matter what contest you are participating in a student can only work on one project. 

If you have members of your class who would like to create a small group piece for UnCapped or UpCycled, they should not work on the class project and must have a minimum of 6 students work on the small group project. Similarly, if a student is working on their own individual End Litter video they may not collaborate with any other student or group on another video. Reminder: all projects must register separately!

Do the students get to keep their UnCapped or UpCycled project?

Yes! You are required to submit a photo (or photos) of the entry, not the physical project. We invite you to display it around your school or in your classroom. Finalists may be asked to bring their project with them to the Environmental Excellence Celebration, if they choose to attend. 

How many photos of my UnCapped or UpCycled project can I submit?

Please limit photo submissions to no more than three photos of the art piece or invention. 

I submitted multiple projects, how can I be sure they were all received? 

You will be sent an automated email of your submission receipt each time you complete the submission form. After you believe you have submitted for all your groups, you may email KOB to confirm the number of submissions received. Please send these emails to

Does each student featured in an End Litter video have to fill out a consent form?

Yes, each student who is featured in a video must complete their own consent form. If the student is a minor, their consent form must be signed by a parent or legal guardian.


Voting Process and Winning

How does the voting and judging process work for UnCapped and UpCycled?

After the close of the submission period, entries will be compiled into an online public poll to select the top three finalists. An announcement will be sent via email to all participants, linked on the KOB website, and posted to social media when the poll opens for a period of one week. During this time, an individual may vote for their favorite project once per day. Once the public chooses the finalists, contest judges will select the winner based on the submitted essay. Winners will be announced at the Environmental Excellence Celebration in November where finalists will be invited to attend.

How does the voting and judging process work for End Litter?

After the close of the submission period, three finalists for the high school division and three finalists for the college division will be selected by contest judges. These finalists will be put into an online public poll to select the winners. An announcement will be sent via email to all participants, linked on the KOB website, and posted to social media when the poll opens for a period of one week. During this time, an individual may vote for their favorite video once per day. Once the public chooses the winner, an announcement will be made via email to all participants, linked on the KOB website, and posted to social media. Winners will be invited to the Environmental Excellence Celebration in November where they will be honored and have their video played.

If my class is split into two or more groups, but only one of them becomes a winner of UnCapped or UpCycled, will the rest of the class be allowed to participate in the prize party?

Pizza will only be provided for up to 30 students and their teacher(s). Party attendees should be limited to those in the winning group's class.

Is the End Litter prize money awarded directly to the students?

Yes, checks are made out to the students. 


Further Questions

I have a question not answered above, who do I talk to?

If you have a question that is not answered above or in the Official Rules and Guidelines, please call our office at (405) 286-9141 or send an email to

Questions? Contact KOB at or call us at (405) 286-9141.