Litter Education UnCapped Contest
Keep Oklahoma Beautiful challenges elementary school students to tackle this issue by creating a work of art from caps from plastic bottles and containers. The project teaches students why recycling is important and how they may reuse items. In addition to artwork, students are required to submit a short essay describing what they learned during the project where students will explain why it is important to recycle, and the harmful effects of littering. Teachers are encouraged to take this opportunity to implement this art project into their core curriculum. Photos of submitted art pieces will be posted on a contest website for a public vote to determine contest finalists. The winner will be chosen from the top three finalists by the contents of the accompanying required essay.
Winners will be invited to KOB's inaugural Student Environmental Champions Awards!
2024 UnCapped Timeline
August 16, 2024: Registration Opens
September 20, 2024: Registration Closes
October 11, 2024: Submission Deadline
Late October: Online Voting
Early November: Finalist Announced
December 2024: Winner Announced
March 2025: Winners Honored at the Inaugural Student Environmental Champions Awards
2024 UnCapped Contest Winners
PreK-4th Grade Division

Mrs. Jones’ Kindergarten Class at Seiling Elementary created their project, titled Keep Oklahoma Beautiful, that includes a outline of our state, things that are important to them as a class. They want to help keep Oklahoma beautiful and healthy by recycling and not littering.
5th & 6th Grade Division

Mrs. Sullivan’s 5th Grade Class at Canton Public Schools wins the 5th & 6th Grade Division with their project titled, Native American Headdress that features a variety of bottle caps and lids! Their essay titled Reuse It, or Lose It ends with the message, "Kids and adults can help recycle and stop pollution."
To see a list of Frequently Asked Questions for all Litter Education contests please click here.
If you have any further questions regarding the UnCapped contest, please call (405) 286-9141 or email beverlee@keepoklahomabeautiful.com.